Language Certifications

Language Certifications

Certify your French skills at every level.

Created by a team of experts in language testing, the DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française, covering more advanced material) are official language certifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education. These tests are recognized internationally and used to demonstrate proficiency for school records, university applications, career development, immigration purposes, and more.

Which certification is right for me?

Four linguistic competences are measured during the DELF and DALF exams: writing, reading, speaking, and listening. The DALF is a more advanced version of the DELF. Obtaining DELF and DALF certifications are two separate processes. 

Both tests use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) six levels of language proficiency, from A1  to C2, which can be grouped into three broad categories: Basic User (A), Independent User (B) and Proficient User (C).   

All examinations include the four skills at every level, with varying degrees of interaction and mediation required depending on the level. A score of at least 50/100 is required to be awarded the diploma; awarded diplomas are valid for life. 

Exams are divided into two parts: the written exam covers listening comprehension, written comprehension, and writing, and a one-on-one exam with a proctor covers speaking skills.  

Tests are administered at branches of the Alliance Française network across the United States. You can find your closest DELF/DALF examination center by reviewing the official list of approved USA examination centers. 

Types of DELF and DALF Certifications

A variety of sub-types of DELF and DALF certifications are available for different age groups, from eight-year-olds to adults. To find the best test for you or your student or child, consult the list here