TAPIF Alumni Networking Events

TAPIF Alumni Networking Events

Our first-ever TAPIF (Teaching Assistant Program in France) Alumni Networking Events took place in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles in September 2023

The Cultural Services of the French Embassy hosted their  first official networking events for alumni of the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) on Thursday, September 14. These events were co-hosted with the Alliance Française de Washington, DC and La Résidence de France in Los Angeles.

In Los Angeles, the event took place at the residence of Madame la Consule Générale, and in Washington, the event was held at the Alliance Française library in the northwestern part of DC. Alumni from all cohorts were invited to attend and enjoy a fun-filled evening featuring wine, apéro cheeses and treats, engaging activities and games, and opportunities to connect with their local Franco-American communities. 

In collaboration with the French government, TAPIF sends over 1,300 young Americans (ages 20-35) abroad each year to share their linguistic and cultural backgrounds in elementary, middle, and high schools throughout mainland France and overseas departments. TAPIF attracts participants from various disciplines. After their experience teaching in France, they pursue a wide range of careers both in the U.S. and abroad. This event brought many of these individuals together for the first time, allowing them to meet, share stories, and build connections based on their shared experience of living and teaching in France. 

Applications for TAPIF open on October 15th and close on January 15th on tapif.org . 

For more photos of the Washington D.C. event please click here and for more photos of the Los Angeles event please click here.