Online Teachers Workshops 2024

Online Teachers Workshops 2024

Kick off 2024 with online professional development workshops brought to you in collaboration with the Alliances Françaises d'Amérique du Nord that will provide you with great tools on how to engage and motivate your students.

We are delighted to offer the following workshops and stay tuned as we continue to update you.Participants will receive (upon request) a certification of participation as proof of professional development hours. Participation in each session in full is required to receive a Certificate of Completion. 

Upcoming Workshops:


Présentation des ressources Sport et Olympisme – Sophie Picavet

March 22, 2024 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EST)

Online |Sign up HERE


Les étapes de la construction d’une unité didactique – Emma Franks and Brett Lipshutz
April 20, 2024 | 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

The aim of this module is to clearly explain the steps involved in constructing a teaching unit. It will make teachers more comfortable with the structured construction of a course, enabling them to adapt already prepared teaching materials to the needs of their group of learners. At the end of this module, teachers will have the basics to create a teaching unit based on a relevant authentic documents.


Osez l’Intelligence Artificielle en classe de FLE – Cavilam Alliance Française de Vichy
May 16, 2024 |11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

Does A.I. fascinate you? Does it frighten you? Perhaps you feel a mixture of both. In this workshop, we’ll start by defining A.I. and the key terms that go with it. We’ll look at the precautions to be taken with this technology. We’ll discover various A.I.-related sites and applications: the great classics like ChatGPT or DALL.E as well as others. How about generating a 360° universe? Creating a person who doesn’t exist? Or chatting with the Little Prince? We’ll look at how A.I. can become an ally for language teachers, but also at the limits of its help. Finally, we’ll discuss how it can be used in the classroom in practical and relevant ways.


Apprendre et enseigner le français avec l’actualité internationale – RFI
May 17, 2024 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

Le français facile avec RFI is a site for learning French with international news. A platform for learning French by listening to the radio, offering audio content and teaching resources adapted for new uses, thanks to innovations that enhance the user experience.


Les ressources pédagogiques développées par le Cavilam – CAVILAM Alliance Française de Vichy
June 6, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

For nearly 60 years, CAVILAM – Alliance française, a leading institution in the teaching of French language and culture, has offered a comprehensive range of educational resources designed to support and inspire teachers of French around the world.

Renowned partners such as TV5MONDE, the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, and the Institut Français offer privileged access to rich and varied cultural resources that enable teachers to integrate Francophone culture authentically into their lessons.

Using captivating audiovisual aids, films, music, and news documents from the major French-language media as well as interactive activities and practical, fun exercises, these original teaching tools, adapted to all levels, meet the challenge of making learning French both effective and engaging.

Les stratégie pour engager et fidéliser les apprenants débutants – Emma Franks and Brett Lipshutz
June 15, 2024 | 12:00 PM – 14:00 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

American learners don’t have the same profile as European learners. It’s important to take their particular profile into account to engage them in learning and, above all, retain them. Beginners are vulnerable and enroll in French courses for a variety of reasons. They are difficult to reach and retain because French is not a language that is vital to them. This module will present concrete strategies and tools for adapting your FLE teaching, so that beginners get the French learning experience they are hoping for.



L’utilisation pédagogique de documents authentiques – Emma Franks and Brett Lipshutz
August 31, 2024 | 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

Beyond language methods, it’s essential that teachers are able to diversify their resources to deliver relevant courses, adapting to the needs and profile of their learners. This module will highlight free, interactive resources available on the Internet and via Culturethèque.



Apprendre le français avec TV5 Monde – Richard Bousset
October 10, 2024 | 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

Join Richard Bousset , as this workshop aims to encourage teachers to incorporate audiovisual materials into their classrooms. The Apprendre le français avec TV5 Monde module now includes over 4,000 exercises, language aids, and tests. Created for self-directed learning, this wealth of resources can also be used to support face-to-face or distance learning courses. During this workshop, we’ll look at how to enrich and complete a course with tools and functions that enable you to quickly find resources adapted to your needs and your students’ interests.


Enseigner le français avec TV5 Monde : Explorer les mondes francophones – Richard Bousset
October 17, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

Available worldwide and already used by tens of thousands of teachers, the “Learn and Teach French with TV5MONDE” approach is based on the use of television sequences and teaching resources from the website. After this workshop, participants will know how to easily introduce motivating resources based on French-language programs on a variety of themes (cultural news, tourism, gastronomy, fashion, daily life, etc.) into their classroom practices.


L’éducation aux médias en classe de FLE – Emma Franks and Brett Lipshutz
October 19, 2024 |12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EST)
Online | Sign up HERE

This module is based on practical activities that can be used to improve language skills in FLE classrooms, including phonology. Media resources, concrete tools, and journalistic techniques will be presented to make learners more active in their learning and more cautious in the face of the multitude of information they receive.

Thank you for your interest. Stay connected as we keep you informed about our upcoming activities. Don’t forget to take a look at our article on En route pour les jeux olympiques, a series of educational initiatives curated in celebration of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.